Videos, Films & Animations

A collection of informative films, videos and animations developed for a range of audiences including youth, coastal residents and visitors to California’s coast. These videos are available for immediate view and/or download.

Saltwater Fishing & MPAs Videos

A series of videos for anglers highlighting Calico Bass, California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program, youth fishing, and the spillover concept.

MPA Collaborative Network Videos

Videos developed by the MPA Collaboratives.

CMSF YouTube

Check out the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation website for videos about MPAs, Sea Level Rise, Agricultural Programs and more!

MPA Interpretive Videos

A collection of films highlighting California’s  MPAs give audiences a virtual experience of the wonders of these protected areas.


A series of 3D aerial and underwater visualizations provide a unique view of MPAs.

“My Marine Park” Video Contest

Check out the winners who created short videos about why they love  their marine park!

CMSF MPA Program YouTube Channel

A YouTube channel for the California Marine Sanctuary Foundation. MBNMSF YouTube Channel

Videos from Our Partners

See some of the interesting materials our partners have produced in their programs!

Cool Videos

If you’re not in awe of ocean life yet, you will be after watching these videos that highlight some incredible marine animals!

The mission of the California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative is to enhance MPA education through enduring partnerships to empower Californians to protect what they know and love.