DRAFT- MPA Presentations

There are many different PowerPoint training resources available for your use! Here you will find county-specific, scripted PowerPoints tailored toward interpretive audiences and anglers, presentations including general MPA and MLPA information, presentations on MPA monitoring and research, and presentations from our partners.

These scripted presentations were made for an interpretive/ non-consumptive audience. Use the slide deck as-is, or pick and choose from the slides to supplement your existing presentation materials.

Do you need the high resolution file? Email katelyn@californiamsf.org.

These scripted presentations were made for saltwater anglers. Use the slide deck as-is, or pick and choose from the slides to supplement your existing presentation materials.

Do you need the high resolution file? Email katelyn@californiamsf.org.

Central Coast MPAs Speakers Bureau Presentation

A scripted presentation that can be adapted and given to various audiences. Topics covered include: 1) the statewide network, 2) science of MPAs, 3) special communication tips for talking about MPAs, and 4) opportunities to get involved and support MPAs.

MPAs: Science 101

Basic information on MPAs including what they are, the different types, how they work, and the scientific benefits.

California’s Marine Life Protection Act

Kaitilin Gaffney – Director, Pacific Ecosystem Protection Program/Ocean Conservancy

California’s Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative – basic information, goals, MPA designations, scientific guidelines, and about the Central Coast subregion.

Importance of MPA Monitoring

Dan Canestro, Director, U.C. Norris Rancho Marine Reserve

Importance of monitoring MPAs to evaluate established goals and improve the science behind MPAs.

Central Coast MPA Training Presentation

Dennis Long & Rikki Eriksen, California Marine Sanctuary Foundation
Penelope Whitney, Resource Media
Paul Hobi, Ocean Conservancy

This presentation covers the problems facing our coasts and oceans, California’s leadership in creating a statewide MPA network, the science of MPAs, global and local success stories, interpreting MPAs for the public and ways to get more involved with MPAs.

Central Coast MPA Training

Rikki Eriksen, CMSF (2019)

IMPACT Submersible Baseline Survey and CA Collaborative Fisheries Research Program

Rick Starr – California Sea Grant Extension Program/Moss Landing Marine Laboratories

Results of two research projects designed to monitor and compare sites within MPAs to sites outside of MPAs: IMPACT Submersible Baseline Survey and California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program.

State of the Ocean California MLPA Initiative & MPAs of the Central Coast

Meg Caldwell – Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford University

About the Center for Ocean Solutions and the Pacific Ocean Scientific Consensus Statement project. Scientific community addressing major threats to Pacific Ocean, finding potential solutions, and expressing urgency to nations of the Pacific.

How are Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) and MPAs Similar?

Dean Wendt – SLOSEA Director/Associate Professor, Cal Poly State University

Similarities and differences between ecosystem-based management (EBM) and marine protected areas (MPAs).

California’s  Statewide Monitoring Program

Erin Meyer -California Ocean Science Trust
Stephen Wertz- California Department of Fish and Wildlife

Explores the statewide MPA network design and development of a research and monitoring framework. Includes information on regional status of baseline monitoring and using collected data to inform MPA management.

Friends of the Elephant Seal Docent Training Presentation

The organization developed several educational and outreach pieces with information about Marine Protected Areas. Specific materials include: a new brochure, laminated cards for docent-led walks, an augmented website, and a Power Point presentation for docent training purposes.

Save the Whales Endangered Species Presentation

The organization developed and presented a sixth “WOW” program focused specifically on MPAs in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary to elementary and middle school students on the central coast, with a specific focus on Salinas. The products represent visual, creative, and affordable tools for connecting youth to marine animals and their habitats.

Pt. Lobos State Park Docent Training Presentation

MALT is a multifaceted community outreach template designed to supplement a variety of existing California State Parks educational and interpretive opportunities with Marine Protected Area specific content. The programs are tailored with site-specific information that addresses local outreach needs while targeting specific MPA user groups, key stakeholders, school groups, and the general public.

The mission of the California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative is to enhance MPA education through enduring partnerships to empower Californians to protect what they know and love.