Originally created by Wildcoast, “You are Here” signs are designed to orient visitors to their location in relation to an MPA’s boundaries and to inform them about its take regulations.
Moro Cojo Slough SMR
(184K PDF)
White Rock SMCA
(366K PDF)
White Rock SMCA
(364K PDF)
Piedras Blancas- Pt. Sierra Nevada Trailhead
Piedras Blancas- Old Motel Parking Lot
Piedras Blancas- North Lighthouse Beach
Piedras Blancas- Marine Mammal Turnout
Piedras Blancas- Lone Cypress Tree
Piedras Blancas- Elephant Seal Viewing Area
Piedras Blancas- Arroyo de la Cruz
Piedras Blancas- Arroyo de la Cruz Bridge
Pacific Grove Marine Gardens- Ocean View Blvd.
The mission of the California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative is to enhance MPA education through enduring partnerships to empower Californians to protect what they know and love.