Batiquitos Lagoon SMCA (no-take)

GPS Boundary:

This area includes the waters below the mean high tide line within Batiquitos Lagoon eastward of the Interstate Highway 5 Bridge, approximated by a line between the following two points:

33° 05.44′ N. lat. 117° 18.12′ W. long.; and
33° 05.46′ N. lat. 117° 18.13′ W. long.

Permitted/Prohibited Uses:

  • Recreational Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: None
    • Prohibited Species: All
  • Commercial Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: None
    • Prohibited Species: All
  • Other Regulations:
    • Boating, swimming, wading, and diving are prohibited within the conservation area.

Effective as of: January 1, 2012

Additional Resources:

The mission of the California’s Marine Protected Areas Education and Outreach Initiative is to enhance MPA education through enduring partnerships to empower Californians to protect what they know and love.