Reading Rock SMCA

GPS Boundary:

This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed:

41° 20.100′ N. lat. 124° 04.911′ W. long.;
41° 20.100′ N. lat. 124° 10.000′ W. long.;
41° 17.600′ N. lat. 124° 10.000′ W. long.; and
41° 17.600′ N. lat. 124° 05.497′ W. long.

Permitted/Prohibited Uses: *

  • Recreational Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: Salmon by trolling; surf smelt by dip net or Hawaiian type throw net; and Dungeness crab by trap, hoop net or hand
    • Prohibited Species: All other living marine resources EXCEPT those listed above.
  • Commercial Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: Salmon with troll fishing gear; surf smelt by dip net; and Dungeness crab by trap
    • Prohibited Species: All other living marine resources EXCEPT those listed above.

* The following federally recognized tribe is exempt from the area and take regulations for Reading Rock State Marine Conservation Area (subsection 632(b)(6)) and shall comply with all other existing regulations and statutes: Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation

Effective as of: December 19, 2012

Additional Resources:

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