Piedras Blancas SMCA

GPS Boundary:

This area is bounded by the mean high tide line and straight lines connecting the following points in the order listed except where noted:

35° 42.85′ N. lat. 121° 21.00′ W. long.;
35° 42.85′ N. lat. 121° 22.85′ W. long.;

thence southward along the three nautical mile offshore boundary to

35° 39.15′ N. lat. 121° 20.90′ W. long.;
35° 39.15′ N. lat. 121° 18.50′ W. long.; and
35° 42.85′ N. lat. 121° 21.00′ W. long.

Permitted/Prohibited Uses:

  • Recreational Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: Salmon and albacore.
    • Prohibited Species: All other living marine resources EXCEPT those listed above.
  • Commercial Fishing:
    • Allowed Species: Salmon and albacore.
    • Prohibited Species: All other living marine resources EXCEPT those listed above.

Effective as of: September 21, 2007

Additional Resources:

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